Gram Sandesh Transmission-A Web Based Information System for Farmers

Gram Sandesh Transmission-A Web Based Information System for Farmers Agriculture is the fortitude for our country India. A large population of the country depends on farming related activities for their sustenance. However, it is perceived that there is lack of a handy agronomical information system for the end users. Information and data is available but does not reach the end-user on time [1]. Safekeeping this fact into consideration; Gram Sandesh Transmission has been developed so as to facilitate the flow of useful information required for farming [2]. In last few decades the trade of farming has changed rapidly. Apart from the traditional problems in farming, farmers are now facing competition from global market. They strictly need to adhere quality standards set by World Health Organization to trade in international market. An era has arrived where key to success is accurate, timely information and accurate judgment placed upon it [2], [3]. Present generation predominan...